Saturday, 31 March 2012

Tools to record observations

Hi friends, In today's Math Problem Solver session we will discuss about Tools to record observations. When we do some experiments and get some observations from those experiments are recorded, these observations are used in further experiments and also in the same experiment to evaluate the results. These tools are helpful for students of grade V of Andhra Pradesh board in mathematical problems solving. There are many tools to record observations which are useful to provide the previous result when needed, rules for recording the observations are as follows:
Peel off notes: In this record structure observations are recorded in the form of labels and these records have the date – time stamp and whenever there is any need for any observation it will be easily extracted from the notes.
Clip board chart: In this type of recording tool there is a sheet that is partitioned for each group of experiment and for every single experiment all the related observations are write into the corresponding section. At the end of the time that would be a week or month all the observations are placed into the permanent individual card that are specific to each experiment.
Sticky notes: This is very similar to the peel off notes but difference is that after completion of time it will be replaced by the new sticky notes.
Binder notes: In this type of record structure for every experiment there is three or more ring binder and all the observations are placed into the sheets that is related with the experiment and in this there is no need to put the record in different sheets but put them only one time with their time and date stamp .
Computer files : In this record structure first of all in computer maintain the different files for each experiment and transfer each observation directly from the book into the computer file .

In upcoming posts we will discuss about Tools to solve problems. Visit our website for information on Z Score Table

Friday, 30 March 2012

Problem solving strategies

Problem solving strategies are defined as steps to solve the problem or define the way of problem solving. In Problem solving strategies we discuss the process of solving the large problems that have steps, we first break the large problem into some small solvable problems and if the problem is complex then subdivided each part of problem into less complex solvable part.
Define all the variables that are given into the problem as well as all the functions (also play functions and relations worksheet) that are defined into the problem and modulate that part or functions according to the need.
This problem solving strategies helps the students of grade V of AP state intermediate board to understand the way that how a complex problem is solved using different type of strategies.
If we talk about the word problem solving strategies then it will be describe as:
(1) First of all write the problem in your own words that helps to understand the problem in more effective way and consider all the variables and the functions that are applied on these variables.
(2) After the step mentioned above we draw appropriate diagram according to the given problem and finds the answer based on the diagram.
(3) Make the record or list for all the calculation that is done to solve the problem and calculate the answer is other strategy to solve the problem
(4) Another strategy is Predict the answer of the given problem and When get the answer according to the calculation then check it with the predict answer.
(5) Divide and conquer the problem means first divide the problem into small parts and then solve these parts and again combine them to get the answer.
(6) Other strategy is to find the problems that have the same pattern and solved before then follow the pattern to solve the problem.

In next post we will talk on Tools to record observations. For more information on Geometric Mean, you can visit our website

Mathematical Reasoning

Mathematical reasoning definition is describe as solve the problem without knowing that what is to be done and when you know how to solve math problems then it is not consider as mathematical reasoning .
Mathematical reasoning are containing the problems that are not in routine and they are not solved by using any procedure these problems are solved by making own strategies and these are not based on the single strategy but based on the variety of strategies.
It should be noted then these are not follow any procedure if you stuck any where then you need to do something to solve the problem occur at that time.
There are some mathematical reasoning examples that helps the student of grade V to understand the way how to solve the problems of mathematical reasoning are as follows:
Example (1): Write the numbers that have 11 tens, 8 ones and 2 hundreds?
Example (2) :If Jon have 23 chocolates and he put equal number of chocolates in two bags and after putting seven chocolates are left then how many chocolates he put into each bag ?
These problems are needed only of little bit attention to solve. These problems are considered as mathematical reasoning problems.
These types of problems are helping the students to make their mathematical concept strong as well as math homework help the student to save their extra time that is spend in problem solving as for example If we want to multiple the number 36 * 17 then it will solved in more easy way as add 4 to 36 that is equal to 40 (36 + 4) and add 3 in 17 to make it 20 as (17 + 3) and multiply them that is much easier then multiply 36 * 17 and answer for multiplication 40 * 20 = 800 and subtract 4 and 3 means 7 from 800 that is 793 that is the actual answer for 36 * 17 .

In upcoming posts we will discuss about Problem solving strategies. Visit our website for information on CBSE class 12 chemistry previous years question papers

Mathematics in daily life

Free Math Help : Math has some specific definition according to that definition it is a science that helps in structuring, ordering and relating the things with each other.
In other words it helps people in counting, describing and measuring the things that have very much importance in our life. So use of mathematics in daily life is very vital that helps us in counting the things. Can you imagine your life without measuring or counting the things or other materials, no we never expect our life without use mathematics our daily life so there are many things in our life that can never be assumed without math so we take some of very interesting examples that help students of grade V of Andhra Pradesh board to understand the use of math.
When life starts we count the number of days after birth of a child, and then count number of months and then count number of years, so without math it is not possible. There are many examples in our life like traveling to some place or money management or playing any game like playing football or making any recipe by measuring the weight of ingredients or making new friends or increase the number of employee in the organization or finding the distance between two places that unintentionally use the math in calculation .
Math is universal means it starts when the human being is born, it was invented by the human being for day to day calculations and it is not related with a specific region it is for all and also same for all .It helps us in taking the decisions and other important work that belong to our daily routine life.

In next post we will talk on Mathematical Reasoning. For more information on Factoring Polynomials, you can visit our website