Thursday, 12 April 2012

Steps in problem solving

There are several problems that are faced by us in day today life .These steps to problem solving helps the student of grade V to understand the problem in very efficient manner . These problems are look very complex initially so there are basically some Standard Form Steps to problem solving in math that are as follows:
Step no (1): Problem understanding - First states the problem in your own words then find the main problem or thing you want to solve .
Then find the all unknown variable into the given problem and check the other information ypu need to find the solution for main problem.
Step no (2): Make a plan to solve the problem – There are some steps or strategies that helps in making a plan :
First of all check the pattern of the problem then research for the other problems that are solved before having the same pattern .After getting the all results then make the tables and diagram according to the given problem and at last make the suitable expression for the problem that have the same pattern as before solved problems
Step no (3) : act according to the plan – After making a useful plan implement according to the plan means perform the necessary actions and computations that are helping us in solving problem .when getting the answer check them that these are according to the expected answer or not and if these are not according to them then apply other plan for problem solving .Maintain the record for each and every calculations .
Step no (4) : Back track :Check the Result by putting in the original problem and find another method to cross check the answer and also find the other related problem that are in more general form by solve with the existing technique or method .

In upcoming posts we will discuss about adding decimal calculator. Visit our website for information on CBSE class 12 chemistry previous years question papers

Tools to solve problems

Hi friends, In today's math tutor session, we will discuss about Tools to solve problems. Problem solving is a key skill And it is one which make a great difference in our career and now problems are at the center of many people. The problems you may be face large or small, easy or complicated to solve. A main part of every manager is to solve problems. Confidence comes from having a good problem with very quickly and effectively and gets sometimes painful consequence.
There are four basic steps in problem solving are as follow for the Grade V of Andhra Pradesh state board:
1.    Defining the problem
2.    Generating alternatives
3.    Evaluating and selecting alternatives
4.    implementing solution
Problem solving is a mental process consists of larger problem process which includes problem finding and problem shaping.
Problem is defined as a state of desire for the reaching of definite goal.
Problem solving has two major factor: mathematical problem solving and personal problem solving.
Tools to solve problems are beneficial as
It is helpful to quickly determine the root cause of a problem.
It is simple and easy to learn and apply.
We have to use the tool solving problem in five ways technique.
Problem solving such as root cause analysis and cause and effect analysis.
Problem solving tools techniques is a course to provide participants with an understanding of basic problem solving tools and used to find root cause.
A problem solving toolbox and the knowledge is necessary to use the tools for the root cause analysis and improvement of process in their own organization. Problem solving process is four step are
Simplex which involves eight stage process that is problem finding, fact finding, defining the problem, idea finding, selecting and evaluating, planning, selling the idea.
Appreciating Inquiry is a unique positive approach by helping you to solve problems.
Soft system methodology is helping you to understand complex problems.

In next post we will talk on Steps in problem solving. For more information on factoring trinomials, you can visit our website