Friday 8 June 2012

How to Convert Decimals to Fractions

In the previous post we have discussed about How to Convert Fractions to Decimals and In today's session we are going to discuss about How to Convert Decimals to Fractions.  Today we will be learning how to convert decimals to fractions, but before converting we need to have good knowledge of fraction and decimal, if we talk about fraction, it contains two part numerator and denominator, the upper one is called as numerator and lower one is called as denominator.  If we have a number such as 2/5 then 2 is the numerator and 5 is the denominator. If we talk about decimal then things written in left of decimal are considered as whole numbers and the things written in right side considered as fraction. Now our task is to convert the decimal number to fraction, for that we need to follow some simple steps given below,
Step 1: take the decimal value and write it as it is, then count the number of digit right side to the decimal point.
Step2: if there are 2 digits then remove the decimal and divide the number by 100, if there are 3 digits then by 1000 and so on…
Step 3: after the above step the number will be in fractional form, we just need to simplify the fraction.
If we follow above three steps then we can convert any number to fraction.
If we have a number .45 and we have to convert it into fraction then we just need to divide it by hundred as there are only two digit after the decimal so our number will now look like 45/100, we can simplify it as 9/20, this is the required conversion, in this way we can convert decimal to fraction.
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