Friday 20 January 2012

Math Blog on Grade V

Multiplication is said to be as the basic operation related to the elementary mathematics in any education board.
In simple words we can say that the multiplication is the mathematical operation of scaling one by another by multiplying positive and negative numbers or positive - positive and negative - negative numbers.
The other functions of the elementary mathematics are addition, subtraction, and division.
To understand the multiplication let just take an example and If you want you can take On line tutors help also,
Suppose 3 is multiplied by 4 it can be written as 3 X 4 or 4 + 4+ 4 which is also equal to 12.
Multiplication can also be written using the multiplication sign (X) between the two terms ,like 3 X 4 Multiplication. The result is expressed with an equal sign =
 For example,
2 x 3=6
3 x 4= 12
(in words we can say that ,"two times three equals six")
2 x 3 x 5= 30
2 x 2 x2 x2 x2 =32

Multiplication is also denoted with either a middle dot (.)
Examples of multiplication 5.2
The numbers to be multiplied are generally called the factors" or "multiplicands".  
The result of a multiplication is called a product and is a multiple of each factor  For example, 15 is the product of 3 and 5, and is both a multiple of 3 and a multiple of 5.(More multiplication examples)
What is division?
Division is an arithmetic operation and is denoted by the symbol ÷ ,
Let us take an example of division suppose if c times b is equal to a ,t can be written as
c X b = a
and here b is not equal to zero
a/b = c
suppose 6 ÷2 =3
here a is the dividend and b is the divisor and c is the quotient
further we can say to understand division that if its written a/b or a÷ b
then it can be read as a is divided by b, or  “a by b” or a over b

What is inverse relationship?
Inverse relationship can be explained in simple words as the mathematical relationship in which one variable increases and the other variable decreases.
To understand the concept of inverse relationship we can take any day to day example
Education and unemployment are inversely related..if the rate of education increases the rate of unemployment.
The inverse relationship can more easily be understood with the help of an example on multiplication and division
Suppose we have 3 X 7 = 21, which means multiplication of 3 and 7 produces a result of 21.
Now if we talk about division
21÷ 7 = 3, i.e division of 21 by 7 gives a solution of 3
And division of 21 by 3 gives a solution of 7
Thus Inverse relationship is also known by the other name as the negative relationship.
We now have an understanding of the Multiplication, Division, Inverse relationship for the students of Grade V.
So to sum up the three topics for grade V we can say that the Multiplication,Division and Inverse relationships are related to each other.
Multiplication and division situations consists an important part of the Grade V mathematics in other words it is the basis of maths.

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